IT Industry News Round-up December 2017 Edition

In this round-up, we focus on important information on cybersecurity and protecting your data. We also take a look at the growing trends in Information Technology to combat threats to privacy. With 2017 coming to a close, we look ahead at expert predictions of what’s likely to come and how we (and our systems) can best be prepared.
When a Data Backup isn’t Enough: Ways to Protect Against Ransomware
After a ransomware attack or any kind of data breach, the companies with good back-ups and a well-tested restore process are typically the ones who can bounce back most quickly. Cybercriminals are escalating their efforts, however, beyond infecting single workstations. Many are aiming to destroy backup processes and tools as well.
In his article Ransomware Will Target Backups, Rod Mathews, Senior VP & General Manager of Data Protection Business for Barracuda, offers four recommendations to help companies protect their backups against ransomware attacks. These efforts will keep backups at the top of the list of ransomware defenses and will reduce the risk of losing data in the event of an attack.
Online Security Myths
Do you live under the impression that your Mac is bulletproof against intrusions and malware? That protection software makes your computer slow? That hackers won’t bother attacking your computer because you’re just one person out of billions. If so, keep reading—these three myths and others are causing big problems. Don’t let a lack of knowledge leave your data vulnerable. In 8 Myths About Online Security, F-Secure dispels these online security myths.
Cyber Security Predictions for 2018
2018 is right around the corner. In this Information Age article by Mike McKee, CEO of insider threat management company ObserveIT, offers his predictions regarding cybersecurity in 2018. In his forecast, he says that social engineering tactics by cybercriminals will continue to pick up speed. One way of combating human error is through education and awareness training. Next year, companies will be investing more time and effort in training their workforce. Will you?
Electronic Office IT Security Services
Wondering how your own business’ IT posture compares to IT best practices? Worried that you may be open to risk? At Electronic Office, we offer IT Assessments that identify your company’s IT strengths, weaknesses, risks, and provide a series of recommendations to remediate the weaknesses and risks. We recommend that every company solicit an IT assessment every two years—even if you already have someone managing your IT. Think of it as an independent audit.
Our goal with an IT Assessment is to provide all the necessary information to your team so you can know where you stand and what steps you can take to remediate any weaknesses and risks.