Fun & Philanthropy: Electronic Office Supports ABCCM’s Transformational Programs Through Annual Golf Tournament

One of our core values at The Electronic Office is giving back to our community of Western North Carolina. In April, we were honored to sponsor and participate in Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM)’s 34th annual Golf Tournament at the Etowah Valley Golf & Resort. ABCCM is a nonprofit organization that addresses poverty, hunger, homelessness, and access to health care for the underserved in Buncombe County. We joined 30 other four-person teams and several sponsors in this fundraiser to help raise $75,095 to support ABCCM’s programs!
We enjoyed our afternoon of golf and conversation, and feel so fortunate to be able to give back to ABCCM, which does so much for those served. ABCCM is a family of 284 congregations organized to provide ministry in the areas of crisis, jail, transitional housing (for homeless veterans, men, women, and children), veterans employment and training, homeless prevention & rapid re-housing, a veterans call center and a free clinic offering medical, dental, and pharmacy through more than 6,000 volunteers.
ABCCM has a dedicated group of business and church leaders who are committed to impacting lives during this critical time of the year. Rusty Pulliam, Chair of the Golf Committee, said it best: “I love that ABCCM not only touches about one in five persons in need, but that they do more than put on a band-aid, or pass out food and clothes; they work on long-term solutions to short-term needs. When you understand that they remove the shame of homelessness for veterans, and have an 85% success rate with men, women and children (who are homeless), then you want to be a part of that success. I am committed to raising more each year and plan to be over $100,000 next year.”
The relationship we’ve fostered with ABCCM dates back to 1982 when Reverend Scott Rogers, ABCCM executive director, and Kemper Brown, EO founder, first met.
Both organizations were pioneers in the computer industry from two very different perspectives. The Electronic Office was equipping and training businesses on how to unleash the power of computing in both a high tech but very personable way. ABCCM was seeking to build the first human service network of public and private providers in North Carolina. ABCCM built a coalition that received approval from the NC Attorney General’s Office to become the first to share information in an confidential network and with informed consent. The coalition included community leaders with county health and human services, United Way agencies, and faith based organizations. EO provided the technical capacity and expertise that designed and installed the network with 12 agencies and 22 computers; thanks to a grant from the JANIRVE Foundation.
These two organizations have grown together, continued to break new ground, and are committed to this day to build a strong community by demonstrating that strong relationships with integrity are the backbone of great businesses. We are both dedicated to understanding the need, finding solutions, and never giving up until we produce the outcomes that are a win/win for everyone.